Darthjef (Cpt. J. C. Cutter)

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    Arfaxid Bio

    Arfaxid is currently the captain of the starship IKS Kl’Tang.  Born on Qo’Nos, he was the contemporary of Kor, son of Rynar.


    Around the year 2270, Arfaxid was the comrade of Kor.  They served together on the planet Organia against the Federaton and later served together on the IKS Klothos.  During brief reprises from battle, Kor and Arfaxid would, in private, frequently talk about the “virus” that plagues the Klingon race.  Common belief was that it was caused by a Klingon experiment to create enhanced warriors.  The belief was that the experiment turned horribly wrong, resulting in an epidemic.


    While talking one evening about the virus, Kor ominously tells Arfaxid that he has “proof” that unknown entities are responsible for the “virus” and the the epidemic is ruse to fool everyone.  Kor also laments that he hates being a “slave to dishonor”.  Because of this “virus” he states he sometime is unable to contain the treachery within himself, even though “my Klingon heart is pure, and tells me I bring dishonor to myself”.  Arfaxid, ashamed almost to tears, also admits that he struggles with the same issues, due to the virus.


    Kor claims his proof is from witnessing a high ranking Klingon scientist, who thinking he was alone in his lab, “morphed into a gelatinous creature”.   Kor said that his suspicions were first raised at how this Klingon scientist spoke and conducted himself “like he had no fire in his heart, old women and small children seem to have more fight than this Klingon scientist”  Kor postulates that this creature might need or want a warrior race to subdue and
    eventually control and declares,  “I can understand this creatures desire for the greatest warriors in the galaxy, but this is an unforgivable crime”


    Arfaxid, already irritated by Kor’s penchant for elaborate tales, chalks this story up as a bloodwine fueled tirade, and tells Kor he doesn’t believe him.  Arfaxid tells Kor that he wants to see proof with his own eyes of before he believes the story.  Surprisingly Kor obliges and he and Arfaxid set up surveillance in the Qo’Nos science laboratory of the scientist in question.


    While watching the scientist, to Arfaxid’s amazement the sees the transformation and was ready to “kill the petaQ’”  Kor stops him, saying they need more infomation from the creature , such as where it came from, and what does it want.  Arfaxid agrees and lets the shapeshifter continue.  They hear communication between the shapeshifter and another entity discussing an “experiment”.  The shapeshifter explains that turning Klingons into “programmable warriors” has not been a success and that other options should be exercised.  Upon hearing this, the shapeshifter is ordered to return to its place of origin.


    With this command, the shapeshifter heads into the shuttle bay to commandeer a shuttle.  As Kor and Arfaxid pursue the shapeshifter, a klingon security officer from the lab confronts them.  Kor and Arfaxid explain what they have discovered and ask for assistance.  The security officer does not believe Kor and Arfaxid, and threatens to notify the Klingon High Council directly if they take a shuttle craft without authorization.  When Kor and Arfaxid ignore the security officer and attempt to follow the shapeshifter, the security officer attacks Kor and reveals himself to be another


    During the struggle, Kor demands Arfaxid pursue the other shapeshifter while he deals with the one who attacked him.  Arfaxid follows his comrades wishes and pursues the other shapeshifter via shuttlecraft.  During the pursuit, he suddenly notices a “ring of light” appear in front of the shuttle carrying the shapeshifter.  The shuttle with the shapeshifter enters the “ring of light” as Arfaxid follows.   The moment Arfaxid enters the “ring of light” a beam of energy hits his shuttle and at the same time, the “ring of light” collapses around his ship, which causes a power failure on his shuttle.


    After a few moments, power is restored on the shuttle.  Weapons were offline, but that did not matter.  Arfaxid, intent on resuming his pursuit scans the areas for shuttle crafts, but is surprised to find none.   As Arfaxid attempts to contact Qo’Nos, he is bewildered that he receives no reply.
    Perhaps the shuttles communication systems were down due to the anomaly he was immersed in.  As Arfaxid looks out the shuttle window, he is shocked that he cannot see Qo’Nos anywhere around him.  “How long did I pursue that creature.  Certainly not long enough to be out of visual of the homeworld”.  Arfaxid attempts to scan his galactic location, and is alarmed to find he is in Federation territory not far from the Klingon border.


    “What kind of deception is this?!?” roared Arfaxid.  “I’m in my enemy’s territory with no plausible explanation of how I arrived here. If the Federation dogs find me, they’ll remove my honor by taking me prisoner and interrogate me with unending questions.”  Arfaxid wanted to make sure this would nothappen.  He had to find a way back into Klingon space.  Just then, Arfaxid’s shuttle’s sensors picked up a large shuttle craft approaching.  Realizing it was the federation ship was approaching, Arfaxid, despite the fear that was creeping in, put on a courageous front, and told himself “Today is a good day to die”.  And to top it all off, this Federation shuttle was hailing him, as if to taunt him before he is destroyed.  Perhaps they want to see fear in my eyes?  If so, they will not be satisfied.  I will show them the resolve of a Klingon and nothing more Arfaxid decided as he answered he Federation’s hail.


    “Unidentified vessel, this is Lieutentant Ellis Hahr of the United Federation of Planets.  Please identify yourselves and your purpose here”


    Don’t these Humans know a Klingon vessel when they see one?  Arfaxid was more intrigued then frightened as he answered the hail.


    “This is Commander Arfaxid of the Klingon empire.  We are conducting a search mission for enemies of the Empire.  But now I must ask why has your ship drifted so close to Klingon space Lieutenant?  Certainly you know the penalty if you cross into Klingon territory?”


    For a moment, Lieutenant Hahr was speechless, he had heard stories of the Klingons who resembled humans, but never did he think he would
    see one in person.  Klingons for whatever reason are so secretive about that time in their history, that getting information from them was useless.  So
    seeing a real live Klingon with human features was astounding.  But more importantly, why now?  It was common knowledge that the “virus” had
    burned itself out decades ago in the Klingon empire.  “Perhaps the chronometric scans I took were not misguided, and this Klingon, really is from the past” exclaimed Lieutenant Hahr to himself.  “If that’s the case, we must proceed carefully, as this Klingon believes our worlds are still at war.


    “Commander, first and foremost let me assure you that I mean you no harm.   Let me give you some information about where we are.  We are
    in the Eta Eridani sector near the Federation Deep Space K-7.  Your homeworld, Qo’Nos is several months away from this location, judging by the engine capacity of your shuttle.”  Arfaxid new the next piece of information would break or make the conversation. “There is no use trying to recalibrate your time and date.  Your systems are not malfunctioning, the year is 2372.  Also, the Klingon empire and the Federation are no longer at war.


    Could this be true, Arfaxid thought?  He had heard of time travel, but it had always been in theoretical discussions. Perhaps traveling into that “ring of light” caused some sort of temporal jump when he entered.  Judging by the unknown location he was in, the advanced federation shuttle design of the ship hailing him, and the seemingly, dare I say, friendly attitude of this Human toward me, time travel really seemed to be the only thing that made sense.  But where is that shapeshifter?  What happened to Kor on Qo’Nos fighting that other shapeshifter.  Did he die in combat, or did he defeat that shapeshifter?  Unable to grasp the situation, Arfaxid booms,  “Human, why do speak of time travel, when you know such talk is foolishness.  Do not
    take me for a fool, that mistake can cost you you life, human.”


    Lieutentant Hahr, seeing his explaning was getting nowheredecided to take a different approach.  He scanned his shuttle computers and discovered Arfaxid was the contemporary of the famed Dahar Master Kor.  “Commander Arfaxid, I have information that I believe that will be of interest to
    you.  Kor, of the Klingon empire is alive.  I understand that you served side by side in your past battles.  If it pleases you, I can setup an arrangement so that you two can meet”


    Arfaxid hearing this is filled with joy that his old friendis alive, but doesn’t let this emotion show as this, could all be an elaborate trap by the Federation.  Nevertheless, the though of meeting up with Kor and explaining what happened was too much to resist.  Arfaxid agrees to “allow”
    Lieutenant Hahr to contact the Klingon Empire. Kor immediately hears of the situation and persuades the High Council to allow Arfaxid to return to the Empire, even though the High Council considers him “corrupted” due to his physical appearance.  Kor requests Lieutenant Hahr to use the Federation shuttle to return Arfaxid, as it can travel though space faster than a Klingon shuttle 100 years from the past.


    As Arfaxid boards Lieutenant Hahr shuttle, he states that he will act honorably, but if he finds out that deception is involved, “you will pay with your life, Human.”  During the trip to Qo’Nos, Arfaxid notices the advanced design of this shuttle, and as they approach Qo’Nos, is relieved to see the Klingon ships and homeworld have advanced as well.  All the more reason to believe the time travel explanation provided by Lieutenant Hahr.  “What you say about the war must be true, Human.  Normally the Klingons would have obliterated a Federation vessel the minute it crossed into Klingon territory.  As they arrive on the surface of Qo’Nos, Arfaxid is stunned to see that Klingons have their “original” appearance.  He was tempted to ask Lieutenant Hahr about this, but thought it be better to hear Kor’s version regarding this drastic change.  Finally, Arfaxid meets up with
    Kor, who now is a Dahar Master, a very old man, and most striking to Arfaxid, has his original Klingon appearance.   Arfaxid, realizing the debt he owed to this Human for his assistance, told Lieutenant Hahr “I am pleased that a Human can act with honor as you have.  Ellis Hahr,on my honor I will not forget what you have done for me today.  Know that you have a friend in the Klingon Empire and that your actions will not be forgotten”.  With this farewell, Lieutenant Hahr travels back to Federation space satisfied, but feeling somewhat uneasy, as if somehow there was “unfinished business”


    Kor, thinking Arfaxid died long ago, is shocked, but happy to see his old friend.  As they catch up of events, Kor explains much, such has how he used the shuttle bay door to extract the shapeshifter he was fighting out of the ship, which sent the shapeshifter adrift in space.  Kor theorizes that the “ring of light” could have been just a wormhole, but with the energy beam from the wormhole hitting his shuttle could have caused not only a spatial jump, but also a temporal jump.  He also tells Arfaxid the creatures they were pursuing were called Changlings.  These Changlings are part of an empire called the Dominion who rule the distant Gamma Quadrant.


    The reason the dominion attempted to control and enslave the Klingon race was simple.  The Dominion needed a warrior race they could control for their endevors.  From years of research, Kor discovered that the Dominion, posing as Klingon scientists, were somehow able to employ full genome sequencing via the Qo’Nos atmostphere for their “experiments”.  By using this method, they could manipulate and create “programmable warriors” of the entire Klingon race.  This method was preferred because if a Klingon breathed, they were subjecting themselves to the Dominion's “experiments”.  Also, since every Klingon was being affected, there was virtually no chance of civil resistance, and side effects of these experiments could be easily explained away as “viruses” or “epidemics”.  After being exposed by Kor and Arfaxid, the Dominion ended their attempts of controlling the Empire.  However, because of the enemies Kor has made in the ruling houses, the Klingon High Council would never acknowledge the finding related to the Dominion, and passed off the physical and mental changes of the Klingons as an experiment “gone terribly wrong”.  Only after decades of absence from the Dominion’s machinations, did the Klingon physiology return to it’s normal state.


    “The Dominion wanted the Klingon race to be their shock troops” says Kor. “100 years ago, the Dominion needed warriors to create their armies.   With the advances in science and technology, the Dominion are no longer bound by such limitations.  They now create what we call the Jem Hadar,
    to be their cannon fodder.  These Jem Hadar are heartless killing machines, that fight as warriors, but do not have a warrior’s heart.  Nevertheless, the honor of the Klingons demand that these crime not go unpunished”


    Kor tells Arfaxid that he is an old man, and that his last wish is to die in combat against the Dominion.


    Shortly before Kor’s sucide battle in 2375, he tells Arfaxid that is time for glory has come and that he can die with honor fighting the enemies who dared to enslaved the Klingon Empire.  Kor explains that, in this time, advancements in medicine and science have been made to where Arfaxid can reclaim original Klingon appearance.  Kor states that Arfaxid, as a warrior of the Empire should “look, as a Klingon of old looks.”


    Arfaxid, however refuses, saying he wants to remain in his current state to fuel his fight against the Dominion.  Also, Arfaxid tells Kor he wants Klingons to look upon him and remind them of the crimes committed by the Dominion.  “My wish is that this inspires the honor of
    the Klingon people to demand revenge from the Dominion for attempting to enslave the mighty Klingon empire.”


    After Kor’s death, Arfaxid continues his quest against the Dominion.  Recently he found alarming information that proved the Dominion were planning something new for the Klingon empire, and this time they have help, help from a dark corner of the galaxy.  Knowing that the might of the
    Klingon Empire will not be enough to combat this new threat, Arfaxid reaches out to Davin Wainwright Hahr, son of Lieutenant Ellis Hahr.  Being that there worlds are once again at war, Arfaxid send Davin a subspace message requesting assistance.


    It will only be a matter of time before this new threat reveals itself, and if the Federation and Klingon empire are divided, they will not survive.  “Years ago, it was a honorable Human , Ellis Hahr who came to my assistance which in turn, assisted the Klingon Empire in revealing of who her true enemies were.  It is destiny Davin Wainwright Hahr, son of Ellis Hahr, will assist the Klingon Empire as his father once did, and will help vanquish the threat that is before the entire Alpha quadrant.  


    If you liked this Bio, please read the alternate storyline for Davin@IX8YE

    by Darthjef (Cpt. J. C. Cutter) on 2012-08-16 02:12:43

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